What I Wish I Knew When Potential Clients Call


Finding and vetting new clients is one of the tasks that many designers have an aversion to; we accept that it’s an integral part of the process that gets us to the fun part….DESIGN, but when a referral or an inquiry comes in, many designers expend time and effort reinventing the wheel because they don’t have a clear and simple process for responding.

Gail Baral, Business Strategy and Mindset Coach (and a former Interior Designer to boot), and Genevieve Trousdale, founder of Circaphiles, created this guide to help you make a stellar first impression and to empower you to confidently and effectively communicate with any prospect.

Equally important, if you are here, you probably have been thinking about ways you can be more efficient and streamline your non-design tasks.  Here is your solution.

In this 48-page Guide, Gail and Genevieve share designer, coaching, marketing, and mindset tips and strategies to help you spot “the good clients” and the confidence to elegantly walk away when the voice in your head is telling you to “run”. Because let’s be honest, everyone can be tempted by dollar signs, but not every client is a client you should take. Is that paycheck worth the grief of a difficult client? We’ve learned through experience, it usually is not!

They will lead you through a reliable, step-by-step system for vetting and acquiring the clients who are best fit for you and your firm. They will also share their best practices and tips for building rapport, trust and integrity starting from your very first communication with prospective clients.

You can refer to this guide throughout the course of your career when encountering different types of potential clients, if you have grown and now have someone else on staff vetting clients for you, and when you need quick email/phone scripts and questionnaires in a pinch.


