you’ve been invited

Select your membership access key below
A single student membership is offered for 3 months at a time on these two tiers:
Level One: $25 – grants access to the chat room and message boards, discounted templates as well as members-only events.
Level Two: $42 – grants all access to our resource directory, chat room and message boards, complimentary expert guides, discounted templates as well as members-only events.
*Access is limited to one active session and member at a time
Provide your payment + registration information
When registering, enter the email address from which you received your invitation.
If you have not received an invitation, you will not be able to purchase the membership.
gain access &
complete your profile
As an Individual Member, you will gain access upon receipt of payment.
Members are required to use their own keys. Active login sessions may not be shared, and logging in from more than one device will end the previous session.